Bible: Interpretation & Application


A Bible and Theology course looking at the Old testament, New Testament, Jesus, the Cross, the Kingdom, Paul and some theology. Thursdays 8pm from 3rd Oct.

The best bits of Bible college, the course helps with the big picture of scripture, and gives key principles to understand and apply individual texts. A couple of sessions deal with theological models and introduce a way of understanding the whole of scripture that makes sense of the parts.

The course is based around the idea that teaching should be inspiring, practical, helpful and equipping. It is part of the equip stream of the church and is an idea introduction to the other mInistry 2.0 courses offered in Kingsland Academy to develop higher lever leaders. The Academy offers a suite of courses designed and taught by gifted practitioners including Leadership, Pastoral, Prophetic, Spirituality, and Writing.

Cost £50.

Contact us to register