Priorities 2 – love one another
Judas, Love one another, peter, washing feet
neil looks at Jesus’ new commandment to love one another. Our priority, our distinctive, that is attractive to everyone Love that doesn’t judge, honours, supports …
11am Service 23/11 | Priorities
announcing the kingdom, beauty, holiness, justice, Kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, peace, righteousness
Neil starts a series on the Most important thing(s) looking at three things Jesus said were top priority This is Seek first the Kingdom of …
Happiness -#1
base line happiness, enjoy, Hedonic treadmill, mini sabbath, sabbath, stop
Neil takes a sideways glance at some of the Ten Commandments and ‘Happiness’ In this first in the series we look at sabbath as a …
Limitless Love Cont’
creation, divine dance, God is love, pain in the heart of God, three in one
Neil continues the series on Limitless love from 1 John 4 looking at ‘God is love’ and how that transforms our understanding of God , …
Richard and the pipe man.
golden ticket, grace, grace gates, Jesus in unexpected places, momentum
Richard Spencer tells an amazing story of grace, love and inclusion, and asks how we can maintain momentum in our discipleship