What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring faith and God. Each session will include a short film, and will allow you to listen and to ask questions and hear the answers discussed by a small panel. If at any point you decide Alpha is not for you, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure, no follow up and no charge Just bring a coffee.
When does Alpha happen?
Alpha will be run by Webinar on Zoom on Monday evenings at 7.45pm and finish no later than 9.00pm. Invite family and friends to join as our online Alpha means that you can keep your distance and yet join in with questions and hear discussion.
Step One: Download Zoom on your PC or lap top.
Step Two: Go to Zoom Meeting Room ID: 830 3350 2318 or click here to go direct to the Zoom webinar
No password required.
Step Three: You will be invited to register with your name and email address. This is a one time only registration, and gives you access to all of the online Alpha Sessions.
Step Four: You will then enter the webinar. Arrive for 7.45pm each Monday.
The Format
Karen will be the host, and will welcome everyone on-line at 7.45pm on Monday evenings.
Each week there will be a short testimony given around how someone encountered God. Their own personal story.
There will also be a short Alpha film exploring different aspects of God and faith.
You can watch from the comfort of your home, and ask questions in the chat section of zoom.
If you have any queries or questions, contact Karen by email@ [email protected]