By Ann Blackmore from West Mersea
Early on in the lockdown I painted a couple of daffodils and tulips. The next day I woke up very early the next morning and decided to invite my immediate neighbours to join me to sing outside in our street! I’m so well aware that singing helps with our wellbeing! So I just copied pictures of my painting and wrote notes to go with them for my neighbours! So for the next two Saturdays at 8pm we went outside to sing! Our next doors neighbour’s daughter piped the music through her car and we sang! I was worried no one would come, but they did. They then suggested that we ask the whole close!!
I bought photo paper and made more invitations from the pictures and on the back wrote,
“This is my daffodil/tulip of hope” and then with the details of the invitation to sing with us. I delivered them the whole close on Tuesday, to give me time to get lyrics out etc!
So Saturday at 8pm, to my delight, we had 28 Saturday Singers – it was amazing!
Some are alone – some with children – it’s awesome – same time next week they shouted! We sing all sorts – one requested “You’ll Never Walk Alone” – wonderful! Such a privilege to be a blessing xx
Tulip of hope Flowers of hope Daffodil of hope Daffodil of hope