
Michelle Tennens

“See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.””

Isaiah 42:9 NIV

The thing is with the shaking that is going on it’s not just for the world it’s for the church as well the church needs the shaking even more than the world because God wants the church to take up its position as salt and light.  When shaking happens it’s to make things different.  The season is different the shaking is to make things different.  We cannot go into the new season doing the same things we did in the old season.  We have to be different our spiritual content has to be different, if we just go back to normal after all this is over we will have missed something vitally significant and we have that choice to use this time to become a different focused people.  Focusing sharply on the things of God not clinging to our thought patterns our philosophies our convenient ways of boxing in God because that’s what makes us comfortable.  What if God wants you uncomfortable at this hour to shake you up.

We are going to have to get used to being comfortable with the uncomfortable.

I think we have a choice to make.  Do we want to carry on as we are, go back to normal. Or do we want to go for a higher deeper longer wider relationship with God where you step into your destiny where it’s being fulfilled.  This is for us to decide, it’s for church to decide.  The next move of God will be an uncomfortable move of God because God will challenge what we accept as OK because some of what we do is not OK.  I don’t want to have God pass us by because we didn’t want to change. 

Our intensity needs to increase to meet the new season.  If you’re not reading your bible you need to start now, if you don’t have a Holy view of God you need to start to change now.  If you’re not praying, fasting finding that quiet place you need to start now.  The great thing is God is in it for you.  He wants it more than you do, He wants to hear from you, be with you talk to you, be very very close to you.  Help you understand His word.  He wants you to come higher, like Loraine said.  It won’t happen if we revert back to normal. 

Kingsland Church is placed both, strategically and in its timing to have a significant impact and influence in this region.  There are significant influencers in the church that will make a radical difference. To bring a focused strategy and major shifts.  Some of you know this is your time, you can’t stay quiet any longer.  Bring out your dead things!! that no longer helps. Place those things before God let Him consume it with His Holy fire.  Be released from its hold on you in Jesus name.

It’s time for change and it’s up to us to take hold of it.